Our curriculum is designed to fulfil our School Vision. What does this mean? It means that our curriculum is planned to ensure that we teach all our pupils the personal development and learning skills they need to lead a happy and successful life. You will notice that academic learning and well-being learning go hand in hand, so that we can be confident our pupils will achieve and live well, now, at Junior School, and far beyond.
Our Curriculum meets the requirements of the National Curricula but is adapted specifically to the needs of our pupils at Crookham Infant School. We aim to make learning irresistible through tasks carefully chosen to promote creative flow and high levels of engagement. Learning habits are explicitly taught and applied across the discrete and wider curriculum. Subject planning ensures a coherent structure and sequence of learning so that through high quality teaching, core disciplinary and procedural knowledge and vocabulary are developed. In this way, progression is secured within each lesson, unit, term, year and across each key stage. Our Team Crookham pupils enjoy their learning and are well prepared for their next steps in education.
Love God, Love Others, Love Learning
At Crookham Infant School we aim to make learning irresistible so that as Team Crookham we all develop the life-long learning habits of resilience, resourcefulness, reflectiveness and reciprocity through exploring together the loving invitation of Jesus to ‘live life in all its fullness’ John 10:10.
What is Irresistible Learning? Read more about what it means at Crookham Infant School here:
What are learning habits and how do you teach them?
Why are learning habits so important academically as well as for well-being?
Team Crookham Learning Habits
Reflective Owl, Resourceful Squirrel, Team Ant and Tough Tortoise are unique to Team Crookham!
They are animals we use to introduce the learning habits we want to build and develop as young (and not so young!) learners - reflection, resourcefulness, collaboration and resilience. Our pupils are keen to learn and we want to teach them what great learning looks like! By developing a shared understanding of how to be Owl, Squirrel, Ant or Tortoise in daily learning tasks and friendship interactions our pupils understand what great learning looks and feels like. They have a fantastic toolkit of life learning skills. Through regular practise and application, they develop confidence and independence in tackling any challenge with the growth mindset of a successful learner.
You can find out more about the Team Crookham Learning Animals here.
An Inclusive Curriculum
Our irresistible curriculum is for all pupils regardless of background, identity, experience or circumstance. We value each other as unique individuals and together we belong to the inclusive community that is Team Crookham. We recognise that we may have different needs at different times, perhaps due to a protected characteristic. We aim to ensure that all needs are met by making appropriate reasonable adaptations which lead us all towards living in 'fulness of life'. We explore our learning habits together, whatever our starting point, and do so within a supportive culture where we Love God, Love Others and Love Learning.
Additional information on protected characteristics, equality and diversity may be found in our Special Educational Needs (SEND) Policy and our Equalities Information and Objectives.
Our Team Crookham Irresistible Curriculum meets National Curricula requirements but it also creates a learning experience that is personal and relevant to all our pupils.
Details for each subject are shown below, together with our Long Term Planning.
You can find out more about our curriculum by contacting us at adminoffice@crookham-inf.hants.sch.uk
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