At Crookham Infant School we want our pupils and adults to strive for excellence through developing understanding of the virtues and habits that shape individuals and equip them to flourish through life-long learning. We describe this drive for excellence as our pursuit of ‘irresistible learning’. We recognise and value the worth of the individual and promote the spiritual, physical, intellectual, emotional and moral development of all so that they are able to live life in all its fullness. Fullness of life is best enabled when we develop the ability to build and sustain loving relationships and this we practise together as Team Crookham. In Team Crookham we celebrate our uniqueness and our togetherness as we respond to the inclusive invitation of Jesus to experience love.
Our vision is the Team Crookham Vision, an expression of all that makes Crookham infant School special. You will find within it a strong resonance with themes identified in ‘Deeply Christian, Serving the Common Good, The Church of England Vision for Education, Autumn 2016.
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