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Friends of Crookham Infant School (FOCIS) is our very active PTA organisation. Consisting mostly of parent volunteers, we organise a variety of enjoyable events for parents and children to raise vital funds for the school. Our events include: Summer and Christmas Fairs, School Discos, Treasure Hunts, Mother’s and Father’s Day activities and much more.


For details of the upcoming events, please visit: Friends of Crookham Infants (FOCIS) (pta-events.com)


If you would like more information or would like to join FOCIS, please contact the team via email: focis2015@gmail.com

FOCIS also offer second hand uniform  - for details see Crookham Infants Preloved Uniform | Facebook


Fundraising by FOCIS has allowed the school to invest in a brand new reading scheme of books for all of the children and to install Astroturf.  This year, we are looking to raise funds to provide further technology for the school, as well as enhancing the resources for the children’s kitchen amongst other things!